Friday, April 29, 2011

BIG EASY: Disney on Ice - Toy Story 3

Okay, I’m going to try to contain my cheapskate-driven irritation until after we talk about the cuteness of the actual show. But, holy smokes – what a racket!

Anway, the show. First of all, I found it hilarious that they announced beforehand that the smoke they use during the show is perfectly harmless, lest you think the House of Mouse is trying to kill you and your children. Also, they requested that you turn off your cell phones. Have they met their shrieking little banshee demographic? As if polite, seated children would shush a rude parent whose melodic ringtone dared to break the silence. Hysterical!

Now, I’m not a crazed Disney fan, but even I was a little excited to see Mickey and his posse open the show. Naturally, everyone went bananas, then they delved into the premise for this show. Have you seen Toy Story 3, yet (and bawled your eyes out)? If not, never fear. The ice show seamlessly weaves the plots of all three movies together, before revealing how they wrapped the trilogy up (I almost got misty again, doggone it) in the final movie. Reminiscing about past adventures is interspersed with musical skating numbers, and each of the major characters gets their moment in the spotlight.

This ain’t your Grandma’s Ice Capades, though. There are pyrotechnics, some high-flying entrances and exits, and some pretty elaborate, heavily populated numbers, like the one showcasing more Barbies than you’ve ever seen in your life! It’s loads of fun, but pretty lengthy (about 2 hours, including an intermission) and loud (and Emporer Zurg is a little scary), if you’ve got itty-bitties… or grownups, who might think an hour and a half would suffice!

But, please, may I kvetch? We were kind of annoyed that we had to pay to park in the UNO Lakefront Arena’s very own lot, but y’know, whatever. Take the $5. (Maybe they can put it towards hosing down the pavement with a little Roundup – ha.) But, good grief -- since when does cotton candy cost $12? And those ubiquitous little swirling light-up plastic toys -- $20? I saw families of five loaded down with nachos and candy and Buzz Lightyear cups and fairy wands, etc – and my brain melted, just trying to calculate the expense. Amazing. More power to ‘em.

As for me, I sprung for candy, a drink and popcorn. And the promise of a trip to the Dollar Tree tomorrow!

Disney on Ice: Toy Story 3 is playing now through Sunday, May 1, with multiple daily shows at UNO Lakefront Arena.

(Having a slight technical glitch with the link, so a little cut-and-paste is in order, if you want to go buy tickets!)


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