Sunday, April 3, 2011

BIG SCREEN: Rango Revieux (Rated PG)

Johnny Depp as the voice of a wacky, computer-animated lizard in a Hawaiian shirt – I mean, how could it go wrong? How, indeed. My 5-year-old son and I both had high hopes going into this thing, but one of us wound up squirming and griping for most of the movie. (Don’t ask which one, I plead the fifth.)

Quick summary: Rango is a lonely, terrarium-dwelling chameleon with an identity crisis and a penchant for staging plays with inanimate objects. When he suddenly finds himself lost in the Wild West, he convinces his fellow talking reptiles and amphibians that he’s a fearsome gunslinger. He enjoys the attention and respect until things go south and he gets himself into a heap of trouble.

Sounds promising, right? There’s just one problem… it’s BORING! The pacing is snail-like, the characters aren’t particularly interesting, and most of the humor is way over the kids’ heads (and not very funny to this adult either, by the way). And instead of a straightforward moral of the story, like “be yourself,” it’s all bogged down in more of an existential struggle to find the answers to the age-old questions, “Who am I? What is my purpose in life?”

Well, I don’t know about you, but my purpose is not to spend $30 and two hours of my life checking the time, Facebook, Twitter, and my email on my phone. In the interest of full disclosure, my son wasn’t nearly as squirmy or disappointed as I was, but he would watch a 24-hour Sponge Bob marathon if we let him.

My advice: rent it. It gives you the option of watching paint dry or doing laundry if you find it as snore-worthy as I did.

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